Organizing Committee

Leonardo AzevedoChairman
Leonardo is an associate professor of geophysics and spatial data science at Técnico, and president of CERENA. His main work is related to stochastic geophysical inversion. In 2022, Leonardo was awarded with the EAGE’s Arie van Weelden Award and the SEG’s J. Clarence Karcher Award – Society for Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).

Amílcar Soares
Amílcar Soares is a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and Visiting Professor in UAE, Australia and Brasil. He was Distinguished Lecturer of International Association of Mathematical Geosciences. The most of his R&D work is focused on geostatistical and spatial data sciences methods applied to seismic characterization of mineral and energy resources and on Environmental Epidemiology.

Fátima Viveiros
Fátima is Associate Professor at the University of the Azores and has a PhD on Volcanology. She is responsible for the gas geochemistry group at IVAR, and her main research interests are temporal and spatial studies on carbon dioxide diffuse emissions.

João Narciso
João Narciso is a research fellow at CERENA, with a Ph.D. in Earth Resources at Instituto Superior Técnico and Ghent University. His main research interests are related to modelling and characterization of the near surface using geophysical inversion methods.

Luís Silva
Luís Silva is an Associate Professor in Ecology at the University of the Azores, where he develops research in ecological modelling. Presently, he is the holder of a UNESCO Chair in Biodiversity and Sustainability in Atlantic Islands.

Lurdes Borges Silva
Lurdes has a PH.D. in Biology by the Azores University, has developed her professional activities in CIBIO-InBIO Azores, where she works as a postdoc researcher now. She has been working in modelling and land management on island systems and in systematics and evolution of insular lineages. She has collaborated in the organization of conferences since 2014.

Maria João Pereira
Maria João Pereira is a full professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, the president of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering Department (DER), and president of GeoEnvia. She conducts research on geostatistics and modelling uncertainty assessment.

José Pacheco
José Pacheco is a researcher on physical volcanology and volcanic risk assessment. He is the Director of the Research Institute of Volcanology and Risk assessment, from Azores University. His main interests range from characterization of genetic processes associated with the development of volcanic eruptions to volcanic monitoring.

Diogo Pavão
Diogo Pavão has a Ph.D. in Biology (University of the Azores), mainly focused on dendrochronology of endemic tree species of the region. He is a member of CIBIO-UP and is currently working on ecology of game species of the Azores archipelago. Research interests are in Data Analysis, Ecology, Biodiversity, Biostatistics, Ecosystem Services and Dendrochronology.